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Ing. Fladerer Rauchfangkehrer KG, FN 409652f
Please select the desired business register excerpt, annual financial statements and other documents for the company Ing. Fladerer Rauchfangkehrer KG (Business register number 409652f):
This business was cancelled. For an up-to-date Business Register excerpt as of a date after cancellation (in any case as of the current date), only the last entry (cancellation) will be displayed. Other historical data of the business can only be retrieved via an up-to-date Business Register excerpt as of a date before cancellation or via a historical Business Register excerpt. All electronically filed annual financial statements and other documents remain available even for a cancelled business.
This business was cancelled. For an up-to-date Business Register excerpt as of a date after cancellation (in any case as of the current date), only the last entry (cancellation) will be displayed. Other historical data of the business can only be retrieved via an up-to-date Business Register excerpt as of a date before cancellation or via a historical Business Register excerpt. All electronically filed annual financial statements and other documents remain available even for a cancelled business.
Business Register excerpt
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Up-to-date Business Register excerpt
as of date |
Up-to-date Business Register excerpt
| as of date | € 14.90 | |
Business Register excerpt with historical data
as of date |
Business Register excerpt with historical data
| as of date | € 22.90 |
Annual Financial statements
It is not always mandatory for the annual financial statements / the balance sheet to contain an income statement. This document will give you an overview of the documents that must be submitted to the Business Register, in particular depending on the size of the business. In addition, the following applies: a balance sheet does not usually contain consolidated financial statements. You can usually find the consolidated financial statements as a separate document under "Other documents".
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Other Documents
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* Prices include statutory VAT of your location.
Ing. Fladerer Rauchfangkehrer KG
Business Register number 409652f
EUID ATBRA.409652-000
Augasse 15 8280 Fürstenfeld
Legal FormKommanditgesellschaft