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Annual Financial Statements / balance sheet

Filing with the Business Register of the Republic of Austria

The annual financial statements must give a true and fair view of the financial position and financial performance of the business. Businesses which are liable to render accounts must prepare annual financial statements once a year for the previous business year.

Via the online Business Register search you can easily and quickly get annual financial statements (balance sheets) of a business.

You will receive the annual financial statements instantly for download. The most recently filed annual financial statements are available and (if available) also those of previous years.

Retrieve annual financial statement online

Contents of annual financial statements

Annual financial statements consist of the balance sheet and the income statement.

The assets side of a balance sheet must state the fixed assets and the current assets, and the liabilities side must state the equity capital, the provisions, the liabilities and the accruals and deferred income and the items must be classified.

The income statement contains a classification of income and expenses; the profit or loss and the profit or loss for the year must be stated separately. Besides the balance sheet the income statement is a material part of the annual financial statements; however, publishing the same is not always compulsory. In this regard multiple factors play a role, such as the amount of the balance sheet total, the amount of revenue or the number of employees.

In the notes to the annual financial statements the balance sheet and the income statement as well as the applied accounting and valuation principles must be explained in such a way that they give a true and fair view of the financial position and financial performance of the business.

Sometimes a director's or management report must be filed as well.

Example: By law a small limited liability company only needs to file a condensed balance sheet and brief notes. They need not file an income statement.

For more information on annual financial statements
+43 1 981 16-800