Central Register of Residents CRR
Central Register of Residents searches only for authorised persons
The Central Register of Residents (CRR) is a database of the Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI). The CRR contains the data sets of all Austrian residents' registration authorities. The Register is a record of all people (natural persons) who are registered in Austria; the entries are constantly updated in real time by towns and municipalities.
Special requirements must be fulfilled to access the CRR. Access to the CRR for "other persons who are authorised to carry out searches" is regulated in Section 16a (5) of the Austrian Registration of Residents Act [Meldegesetz]. A person or business, a so-called "business partner", must apply to the Ministry of the Interior and substantiate that regular information from the Register of Residents is required for assertion or enforcement of rights or claims on a commercial basis. Professional groups are, e.g., lawyers, notaries, debt collection agencies, facility management firms, banks and insurance companies. Searches in the Central Register of Residents are subject to charges.
In a decision-making process the Federal Minister of the Interior will check whether a legal interest exists through a decision process. The application must be made in writing.
You would like to apply for access to the CRR with HF Data as the provider?
HF Data Datenverarbeitungsges.m.b.H is a provider for the Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI) that provides access to searches in the CRR. We take care of the submission to the Federal Ministry of the Interior on your behalf. Upon approval you will get access to the CRR via our online platform. In addition to the fee per CRR request, a clearing office surcharge of EUR 0.36 excluding VAT will be charged.
Step 1
Please select the relevant form and complete it.
- If you do not have access to the CRR yet: ZMR2_3 APPLICATION for allocation of a search authorisation for the CRR
- If you already have access to the CRR via a different provider and you would like to switch to HF Data as your provider: ZMR0 CHANGE of the search authorisation for the CRR
Step 2
Please send us the completed form signed by you as the applicant via email to: office@hfdata.at
Step 3
We will forward the application and the required documents to the Federal Ministry of the Interior to have it checked and processed.
Step 4
The Federal Ministry of the Interior will inform you and us of whether the application has been approved.
Step 5
You will receive the login details via email. You will now have direct access to the CRR via our online platform.
For information on the "business partner"
visit the website of the Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI): https://www.bmi.gv.at/413/Wirtschaft/Businesspartner.aspx#vorteil