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Legal Information / GTC

HF Data Datenverarbeitungsgesellschaft m.b.H.
Schönbrunner Straße 231, 1120 Wien

Member of the Vienna Economic Chamber, Management Consulting and Information Technology Group
Business Register Number: FN 101378k
Registered office: Vienna
Business Register Court: Commercial Court Vienna
Type of business entity: Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung [Austrian company with limited liability]
Regulatory authority as defined in the Austrian E-Commerce Act [ECG]: Municipal District Office of the 14th District
VAT No.: ATU16124904
General Terms and Conditions (Adobe Reader)
Trade law regulations: Austrian Trade Code [Gewerbeordnung/GewO] (
Voluntary code of conduct:
Objects of business: Data processing
Media owner, editor and publisher: HF Data Datenverarbeitungsges.m.b.H., Schönbrunner Str. 231, 1120 Vienna
Shareholder: Compass-Verlag GmbH (100%)
Managing directors: Hermann Futter
Responsible for concept and contents: HF Data Datenverarbeitungsgesellschaft m.b.H.

Other websites of the Compass-Gruppe GmbH


About HF Data Datenverarbeitungsgesellschaft m.b.H.:

HF Data Datenverarbeitungsges.m.b.H. is a 100% subsidiary of Compass-Verlag GesmbH and the largest Austrian clearing house for queries from the databases of the Republic of Austria such as the business register database or the land and property database.

Mediation, Code of Practice:

In case of a dispute, we, as user of the quality mark "Gütezeichen", are committed to accept the jurisdiction of the "Internet Ombudsmann" ( - in Germany only) as a Complaints Office of the Austrian E-Commerce-Quality Mark and carry out the extrajudicial dispute resolution after its procedural guidelines (in German only).

Our support staff are available from Mo-Thu 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. and on Fr from 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.!

Please note that enquiries outside these hours will not be processed until the next working day.

+43 / 1 / 981 16-800
+43 / 1 / 981 16-801
+43 / 1 / 981 16-108