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Otto Serbus GmbH und Co Fliesenverlegung KEG, FN 164283v
Please select the desired business register excerpt, annual financial statements and other documents for the company Otto Serbus GmbH und Co Fliesenverlegung KEG (Business register number 164283v):
This business was cancelled. For an up-to-date Business Register excerpt as of a date after cancellation (in any case as of the current date), only the last entry (cancellation) will be displayed. Other historical data of the business can only be retrieved via an up-to-date Business Register excerpt as of a date before cancellation or via a historical Business Register excerpt. All electronically filed annual financial statements and other documents remain available even for a cancelled business.
This business was cancelled. For an up-to-date Business Register excerpt as of a date after cancellation (in any case as of the current date), only the last entry (cancellation) will be displayed. Other historical data of the business can only be retrieved via an up-to-date Business Register excerpt as of a date before cancellation or via a historical Business Register excerpt. All electronically filed annual financial statements and other documents remain available even for a cancelled business.